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For the full details of texture extraction, see the texture extraction chapter . Here is a quick preview. SynthEyes will pull an average texture from the scene and write it to a file. You have control over the resolution, format, etc parameters of that, as set from the Texture Control Panel (opened from the Window menu).

When you create a card using Add Cards, the texturing parameters will be preconfigured to create a texture and write it to disk. The file name is based on the card name and the overall saved SynthEyes scene file name: you must have already saved the file at least once for this to work.

The texture will not be produced until you click the Run or Run All buttons on the Texture Control Panel, or until you solve, if the Run all after solve checkbox is turned on.

Once the texture is produced, you can paint on its alpha channel in SynthEyes or externally. If you do so externally, you should turn off the Create checkbox so the texture is not later accidentally overwritten.

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